Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How the hell did I get here anyway?

Well, I found out how much I miss my old job last night. I volunteered to substitute teach ccd class. It was the first night of classes, so utter chaos. The old director of one year is not there anymore and the fill in was really stressed. I had little second graders and they were great. However, we didn't have any books. They were placed in the wrong classroom, duh! All my parents from past years came up and hugged me. Many of my kids were growing up to fast and I missed them all. Just have to keep telling myself I don't have time to teach full time. In my past life, I ran the whole show. And did a fine job I might add.

I missed my favorite meeting of the month because I was teaching. Dad missed the same meeting because he was taking his sister to Canada. I had met his other sister half way from South Bend and we traded off Dolly. Really nice visit in the car for all of us. Dad left his phone at home, so it was a bit dicy for his hook up at the border with Dolly's daughter. They survived, as we all did before cell phones. Next week dad goes to the Purdue/Notre Dame game, but Michael is home, so he won't be able to go to the game with Willy. That has become a fun tradition with the two of them.

Since I usually do this in the middle of the night and it is morning this time, I had better shower and dress. Be good, be safe, and God bless.

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