Sunday, September 21, 2008


For you non church goers, this is an attempt on the part of the church heirarchy to not only get our money, but also our time and talent. Since I have more time and talent, that is what i give the most to church. Not to mention the fact that I want to know where my money is going. At present we choose to help a single mother feed and clothe her child and get him prepared for a good college education. However, we were very successful getting people to sign up for our booth. I made up my own sign up forms and gave them out. This way we will have the names and email addresses before a year goes by. I already prompted dad to tell the powers that be what we had in mind. We served wine and crackers at our booth since we are Eucharistic Ministers and Decor. We have wine left over and are willing to share.
Dad didn't appreciate me calling those who left church early to come on over and look over all the exhibits. They continued to run to their cars. That fullfilled the one hour per week they owe God.

I am reading this book on the Sistine Chapel and it's secrets. It is factual, not a mystery. Michaelangelo had his problems with the Church heirarchy and he left little hints in the ceiling like little cherubs giving the finger to Pope Julius II. There are many others, but I will let you read the book for yourself.

Dad and I went to a movie Friday night. Ghosttown. Really fun to watch. The British commedian has great lines with tongue in cheek like " I don't mind crowds so much, it's just the people I meet there. Come to think of it, that is a bit how I feel about crowds.

We had planned on going to South Bend for Aunt Fran's 70th birthday party, but dad's tooth abcessed and he has been on antibiotics all week. His cheek was swelled til his left eye was almost closed. I didn't think he had much business driving down to South Bend like that. Then there was the stewardhip fair that we really need to be here for, so I am going down to pick up aunt Dolly at mile marker 121. Aunt Fran will bring her to the restaurant. When I bring her home, dad will take her to Canada and Mary Lou will pick her up at the bridge. Saves Dolly bus fare and we all get to visit with her.Aunt Fran said they all had a good time at the party, as any good Veldman would. "It's a party, bring along a stranger."

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